Tbaytel Roaming Rates & Information

Find out what it will cost for Tbaytel customers to use your phone while roaming in the US or Internationally.

Travelling Within Canada

When travelling in Canada, you will not incur roaming charges as long you remain connected to the Tbaytel or Rogers network (airtime and long distance charges apply). Sometimes, when travelling in close proximity to a U.S. border, your device may connect to nearby U.S. cellular networks. Inadvertently doing so will incur applicable roaming charges for these U.S. networks. To safeguard against this, many devices have a setting which will prompt you while roaming. Refer to your device’s user manual for details.
Travelling To The United States/International
When you travel outside of Canada, your device should automatically switch to one of the wireless network providers in your new destination. If your device does not switch automatically, you will need to manually scan for any available networks. Refer to your device’s user manual for details.
In order to protect our customers from excessive data roaming charges, Tbaytel blocks International Data Roaming on all HSPA postpaid wireless accounts that do not have an active International Data Saver. As of May 16, 2013 customers that do not have an active International Data Saver will have the International Data Block applied to their account. This block prevents accidental usage while travelling outside of Canada and the U.S.
This does not affect data usage while travelling in the United States.
Customers wishing to use data while travelling Internationally must call Customer Care at 623-4400 or toll free at 1-800-264-9501 to have the data block removed. When the International Data Block has been removed, customers will be required to add a Travel Saver and will be responsible for all charges incurred.
When an International Data Saver expires Tbaytel will reapply the International Data Roaming Block. Customers are encouraged to call Customer Care each time before they travel to confirm blocking and discuss Travel Saver options.
Calling Back To Canada
While still in Canada, save all of your important or frequently called phone numbers in your device’s speed dial list or address book. When saving these numbers, be sure to include each of the following:
  • + (plus sign)
  • 1 (number 1)
  • Area Code
  • 7-digit Phone Number
For example: +18076234400
Doing so will allow you to simply dial from your device’s speed dial list or address book without any additional dialing requirements. Local calls or calls made from within Canada will not be affected. Dialing with a “+1” will not affect how you are charged for local calls while in Canada.
Emergency Calls While Roaming
Most global networks around the world will recognize either 911 or 112 as the number to reach emergency services.
Customer Service While Roaming
You can count on Tbaytel Customer Care for assistance and support if you need it when you travel. Just dial +1-800-264-9501 or +1-807-623-4400. Alternatively, you can dial 611 to speak with a representative from a cellular network within your current location.
Voice Mail
Access your Voice Mail and avoid long distance charges by dialing +1-888-847-0936 when you travel. Alternatively you can also “press and hold” the number 1 key on your device, either at home or when you travel, to access Voice Mail. If prompted to enter your phone number, enter your 10 digit cellular number (area code and phone number).
Number Display
Number Display may not work while roaming internationally. Availability is dependent upon the international network on which you are roaming.
Text Messaging
Text messaging may not work while roaming internationally. Availability is dependent upon the international network on which you are roaming. Please note that applicable text messaging rates will apply.

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